Disaini inspiratsioon
Vaadake meie soovitusi Staroni tahkete pindade kasutamiseks erinevates seadetes.
Luba Staroni tahketel pindadel tuua teie projekti värvi ja kuju, kasutades teie ainulaadset inspireeritud disainilahendust.
Vaadake meie soovitusi Staroni tahkete pindade kasutamiseks erinevates seadetes.
Luba Staroni tahketel pindadel tuua teie projekti värvi ja kuju, kasutades teie ainulaadset inspireeritud disainilahendust.
Soojade toonide ja looduslike materjalidega sobib Vahemere stiil kaunilt Staroni tahke pinnaga, et luua vapustav ja praktiline ruum
Kogege Skandinaavia interjööri stiili kütkestavat võlu, kus täiuslik tasakaal lihtsuse ja mugavuse vahel loob kutsuvad ruumid, mis on täidetud looduslike tekstuuride, pehmete värvide ja rahuliku õhkkonnaga, mis on inspireeritud loodusmaailma ilust.
Võtke omaks eklektilise stiili piiritu loovus ja laske Staron Solid Surface'il olla lõuend, mis toob teie ainulaadse disaininägemuse ellu igas ruumis.
Urban Industrial disainistiil on tunnustatud selle kaasaegse ja rafineeritud esteetika poolest. See on suurepärane valik minimalistliku sisekujundusega kaasaegsetele kodudele ja äripindadele. Sellel stiilil on summutatud, tööstuslikust stiilis inspireeritud värviskeem, mis lisab selle elegantset ja kogenud välimust.
‘LOTTE CHEMICAL’ limits collection of personal information to the minimum amount necessary. The collected information is to be used only for the purpose specified.
Purpose and Usage of Information | Required Information | Selective Information |
Notifications, sample delivery, <br />newsletter mailing (limited to subscribes users), <br />marketing (limited to subscribed users) | Name, email, contact number, Industry Type | Company name, address |
‘LOTTE CHEMICAL’ will delete the personal information collected once the purpose of the collected information is met.
Item | Deletion period |
Information for marketing purposes | When information collection is declined |
However, should the personal information be retained for a fixed period in accordance with relevant legislations or internal regulations of ‘LOTTE CHEMICAL,’ it will be deleted after expiry of the specified period.
‘LOTTE CHEMICAL’ will delete the customers’ personal information without delay after the expiry of the abovementioned retention and usage period following the procedure below.
The customer may choose to refuse consent to the collection and use of personal information.
In this case, however, the customer will have limited access to detailed ‘Q&A’ and sample mailing services.
‘LOTTE CHEMICAL’ entrust the handling of personal information to the below mentioned third parties. ‘LOTTE CHEMICAL’ will not use personal information for purposes other than those set forth herein.
Entrustment Activity | Name of Third Party |
Website and system management | webricks |
System operations and maintenance | webricks |
The customer may choose to refuse consent to the collection and use of personal information. In this case, however, access to various member benefits will be limited.
I agree to the use of my personal information for direct marketing purposes, such as the mailing of newsletters about customized services, special events and other company related information. The customer may choose to refuse consent to the use of personal information for marketing purposes. In this case, however, access to various member benefits will be limited.
Palun sisestage eesnimi
Palun sisestage oma Perekonnanimi
E-posti aadress
Ettevõtte nimi
Palun sisestage sõnum
Drop here. Click here.
Drop here. Click here.
Simply complete the form below and indicate what color samples and sizes you would like to receive.
That’s it! We’ll get the samples to you right away.
Staron | 2x2 inch, 4x4 inch, 10x10 inch |
Tempest | 3x2 inch, 4x4 inch, 10x10 inch |
Supreme | 3x2 inch, 6x4 inch, 10x10 inch |
Radianz | 70x50x7.5, 100x100x20, 210x300x20 |
Cirrus Cirrus Prestige |
100x50x7.5, 210x300x20 |